15 July 2024: I’ve noticed that ‘narratives’ have been a big theme for me in the past few months. The realization in therapy that I have fabricated narratives about myself - told myself stories about myself - which are now holding me back, and that I could choose to reshape some of those narratives if I wanted, was a very meaningful, enlightening, experience. That makes it all the more serendipitous that I started reading Seeing That Frees by Rob Burbea yesterday. Well, maybe it’s not serendipity as much as now being the first time that I felt ready to take on the (gentle) challenge contained within the book’s pages and give it the attention and space it deserves. Seeing That Frees is a much deeper exploration of that ‘reshaping narratives’ piece, engaging with its cosmological and psychological implications and offering a pathway to decreasing dukkha. I’m excited to learn more and metabolize these ideas.
Saw a firefly trapped underneath a leaf and lifted the leaf to free it. How unlucky for that firefly to have been flying right underneath that leaf as it started falling. The next day, I saw a firefly and a fly bump into each other mid-flight and freak out. T joked that it must have been the same firefly :)
Lifting up each one of my thoughts and going “Does it decrease dukkha”, à la Marie Kondo.
Filed under:
“Places that feel important.”